This is the second birth I was able to attend for this cute family! They struggle to get pregnant on their own and have done IVF with both their babies. When Covid hit and hospitals were only allowing one or two people to attend births Kaitlin said her only drawback of implanting again was that she wanted to make sure I could be there! What an amazing feeling to know that I am needed during some of the most important, vulnerable, and special times in people’s lives! I am so happy that I could be there to capture this special day…well night, for them! Kaitlin was amazing, as always! She labored most the day and I told them to call me when things got going in the night. At 3 am I got a call “she’s 9 cm!” Luckily I live a few blocks from the hospital so I hurried over and baby Rogen was here within a half hour! Amazing! I could capture births like that every night! I hope these pictures and video help them remember this special time and the miracle of bringing a baby into this world!