Zane’s Birth Story 2023 | Utah Birth Photography
This birth was an honor! Baby Zane is the fourth baby in their family I've been able to photograph being born! We thought his entrance would be pretty similar to the others but he surprised us all! He started the evening head down and sometime during their rest and...
Tommy & Leo Birth Story 2023
I’ve photographed lots of birth but this was my first twin birth! As a twin myself I’ve always wondered what the hold up was between my sister born 16 minutes before me compared to other twins who were born just minutes apart. When I arrived at the hospital Maureen was getting her epidural and then we had a little time to let the babies descend a little more.
Hallie Ruth Birth Story 2023
I’ve photographed four of Casey’s newborn babies but this was my first birth I’ve been able to be a part of! Being her sixth baby we…
Baby Oakden’s Birth Story
I was showing my husband this video to have him proof it before I finalized it and we both agreed how much we wished we had a movie like…
Nellie’s Birth Story 2021
Aspen has been a good friend of my sister growing up and now that we’re married and having kids we’ve become friends too. She is such a…
Baby Ryla’s Birth Story 2021
This was the second birth I was able to photograph for this family and I feel so lucky to have been a part of it. We patiently waited…
